NCDMB Policy
Our local content policy is galvanized by our resolve to build a world class company managed by wellgroomed Nigerian professionals. It is our policy to comply with the NCD directive of the FEDERAL REPULBLIC OF NIGERIA on local content, materials, suppliers and manpower from Nigeria and to make use of services and facilities, professional or otherwise which are rendered by Nigerians or companies incorporated in Nigeria, except when after proper research, such services/facilities are not available in Nigeria.
To fully comply with the NCD directive, Noranova shall domicile all engineering activities incountry as well as location of the project management team (PTM) and project procurement centre (PPC) incountry and carry out in-country maintenance of tools and equipment. Show commitment in meeting with the Nigerian Content targets of the Federal Government of Nigeria of achieving a minimum of 70% Nigerian Content, in terms of total monetary expenditures through the deliberate utilization of Nigerian human and material resources without sacrificing safety, health and environmental standards. Show commitment by deliberate addition or creation of value in-county via capacity building of locals, technology transfer programs, technology mentorship programs, increasing physical operational presence and investment in Nigeria, creating opportunities in human resources, development of Nigerian contractors and suppliers and implementing various innovation that will increase Nigerian content development in Nigeria.
The enforcement and implementation of this policy shall be the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer. The Management, all and sundry shall work assiduously to abide by the above mentioned policy and improve in our key performance indicators.